Union Square

Project Partners

  • AFI Developments

  • Chow Hill Architects

  • Foster Construction

Services Provided

  • Resource consenting

  • LGA consenting for carpark removal

Union Square is Hamilton’s prestige office and retail development, located at the south-end of the city’s CBD. With a plan to combine retail, office and lifestyle space this is a world class development in the heart of Hamilton. Once fully developed the precinct will feature 30,000 sqm of office space, approximately 18 retail outlets, and other mixed use activities including a wellness centre. Stage 1 is well underway and expected to be completed in August 2021.

Multi-modal integration was key in this development, particularly with regard to making pedestrian access easy and attractive, providing for efficient site circulation, and also in providing shared open spaces to keep people within the site to patronize the cafes and create a vital and vibrant social space.

Stimulating architecture, landscaping, effective way finding and temporary events such as sculptures/art work and live exhibitions will ensure that Union Square is a destination, as much as a pleasant place to walk through for the general public. The upgrade of Alexandra Street footpath and street environment will go a long way to enhancing pedestrian amenity, and tying it seamlessly into the other city centre upgrades planned in the near future, including the Regional Theatre.
