BodyFit Hamilton East

Project Partners

  • BodyFit Hamilton East

Services Provided

  • Resource consent application

At Feathers Planning we thrive on helping new start-up businesses cut through the red tape.

Often new business owners do not know that they need resource consent - resulting in frustration and sometimes despair - and always issues with expiry date conditions for conditional lease agreements.

The owners and operators of BodyFit Hamilton East came to Feathers Planning after being told that they needed yet another consultant to get up and running. However they took it all in their stride and after a false start with one property, their patience paid off and Feathers Planning obtained the resource consent for the old Westpac building on the corner of Clyde and Grey Streets.

The main issue to resolve in this application was the car parking - with only a few allocated to the tenancy. The owners did a lot of ground work for the application which reduced their costs and established a great relationship with the neighbouring tenants.

Council approved the consent with some limits on day time classes, but this has not stopped BFT Hamilton East from having a very successful first year.
